Sunday 15 April 2012

Lailaha Illallah

This is the only zikir or song that can calm my super hyperactive 4 years old class. The zikir/song is performed nasyid singer Hafiz Hamidun from his album Zikir Terapi Diri.

I bought his album online a few months ago, and only a few weeks ago, I've introduced it to my students. Intially I put on this :

everyday for a couple of weeks during their 5 minutes resting time. But it wasn't effective they're were still hyper. So a week ago, I decided to put on La Illaha Illallah, and Alhamudillah, the minute I put on the zikir, they automatically calm down.
And what's more amazing, they love it after I put on the first time. They kept saying "teacher nak lagi".
So I had to put on the zikir on repeat mode for 15 minutes. And what amazes me the most, is that they already know the zikir, and they sing it along.

So, everytime they get hyped up, and I can't control them, I just have to put on "La Illaha Illallah" and they automatically calm down.


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