Sunday 15 January 2012

Me Niego A Votar

General election is coming up. I'm way passed the legal voting age, and frankly, I've not registered myself to vote. A few months ago, I was very ecstatic to register myself to vote. But now, I've changed my mind.


Well, politicians here in Malaysia, play a very very dirty game. Maybe if the Great Tun Dr. Mahatir was still the leader of this land of Truly Asia, I'd register to vote. But since he's retired I've decided I don't want to vote.

I hate the way politicians in this country play their games. What I've come to realised that the nearer the date of  general election is the dirtier the game is played. 

In this country, the politics are made into many different parties. It is ruled or dominated by a particular party that I used to like now disliked, due to the current leader. 

For some reason our country's current leader doesn't have a good charisma. Well that's my opinion. He talks big, and mostly I find are just a bunch of bullshit to suck up to the rakyats. I don't like the way he talks, I don't like the way he walks, I just don't like him in general. Every word that's uttered from his mouth are just crap. To me he's spending way to much of money of useless little things. And thanks to him, our country is in deficit or is in debt. *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!*

That is just one man on one party. There's another man in another party. He like to talk about giving human rights and stopping media crap. He wants our country to have human rights, such as having gay parties, and gay marriages, and giving rights to people that are homosexuals.  I just want to tell him to stop playing with fire. I mean, come on, people here are not really open minded. Bak kata my boss, orang orang kat sini, are like katak di bawah tempurung. Which is true. They go ballistic when other religion, that's not Islam, uses the word ALLAH. ALLAH in arabic means GOD. The non-muslims in arabia uses ALLAH to call their GOD. I have non muslims arabic friends, that's how I know.
 So him recommending rights for the homosexuals are just a big no no. It's going to trigger chaos. Big chaos. But I guess he is taking a big risk. And due to a whole bunch of people are against him. And plus, he was put to jail for several years by the great Tun, and was free by an ex leader. And now after years of going up and down the court, the judge have finally let him free. He's a free bird. And it means more political war in Malaysia.

And than there's another party. The Islamic party. You see this is what I don't get. Here in the land of Truly Asia, the majority of the citizens are Islam. And the Islamic majority party is broken up into 2 different parties. One party is a lead by the leader of Malaysia, and the other party is lead by an extremist Islamic man.

Because of political reasons, people tend to go against each other, even though they've come from the same religion, i.e. Islam. Islam does not teach hatred amongst brothers and sisters. Islam is all about unity. When it comes to politics, Islam doesn't become one. Which is quite embarrassing, and pitying I say.

Back to my point of this post. Election is coming up. Politicians are embarrassing each other in the news, and   making small things into big issues. They're putting each other down, and hoping that they get the rakyats votes if they do good to the country. It's just like a game of cats and dogs really. Very childish. They all should go back to kindergartens and learn how to behave.

Since I'm not registering as a voter, I'm just going to go with the flow, and except whoever wins. Because I don't really care. I just don't believe in all that is exposed in the media. They're all bullshit.


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