Ah.......the long awaited month have arrived.
Alhamdullilah. I'm so happy the Holy month of Ramadan is finally here.
Every year I make a resolution for myself to accomplish during this Holy month. And this year I've decided not to do any resolution.
InsyaAllah I'm going to try my best to cleanse my dirty soul, and pray to the Almighty to accept my prayers. And insyaAllah I shall try to be more patience with my students, and pray to Him that they don't test my patience whilst I'm fasting.
And I hope that Aunt flow don't visit me during this soul cleansing month, and I hope to go for the taraweeh prayers every night during this month.
To all the Muslims out there, I wish you a very Happy Ramadan. Make this Ramadan like it's your last Ramadan in this world. ^^
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