This quote was taken from Mrs. Wardina Saffiyah tweet:
"Takut tgk fitnah, cacian & persepsi buruk sesama Muslim makn menjadi2...mcmna nak suburkan sayang & hormat jika benci & prasangka yg dibaja?"
I love this quote. This quote is like a smack on the face. I agree to what she says, because I have witness this right before my eyes. It's happening within my family, my friends and my work. It's a habit that has been developed amongst us that cannot be avoided, if your faith is weak. It's a common thing that' happening right in our society, especially amongst politicians. That's the main reason why I hate politics and I don't vote, unless the great Tun Mahatir is our PM than I'll vote. Politicians play such dirty games to get attention. We either ignore these things or live with it.
My dad told me if I read something or anything that is eye and ear soring than I should ignore it and shut it out of my life. He says the author is probably orang tak pandai, and if we keeping reading nonsences than we'll also be tak pandai.
That's the best advise ever that's given to me by my dad. I love u Abah. =)
The Plan
5 years ago
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