I recently went to visit my Ma and Pa in Songkhla, South Thailand. I stayed there for a week. I'd probably have to say that it was probably the best week of my life.
I spent quality time with my family there. Which I rarely get to do. After all the dramas that I went through, the Almighty, has allowed me to spend some good quality time with my family, without any dramas. Alhamdullilah, aku bersyukur sangat sangat because for once I was truly happy.
The weather over there wasn't good. I was actually planning with my sister to go for a beach holiday. We were berangan-ing to check in a hotel near by mum's house, and have a pretend beach holiday. But the plan all hancurs because the weather was depressing. It rained the whole week I was there. Which kinda sucked.
And plus, Abah was being a busy bee. He spent most of the time working. He had to close up all the accounts and buat budget 2012 for the office. Kesian dia, he had lots of works and he was stressed.
At first I was bored, so I ate rice every half an hour, and I was craving for sweet delicacy. It was that time of month, so my sweet tooth was looking for his friend.
So to keep myself entertained, I decided to venture on something new. Baking.
I totally sucked at this. I baked cuppies.
Mak made me nervous at first. She kept going in and out of the kitchen, and yelling at me, whenever I made a mistake. And when the cuppies were in the oven Mak kept saying "Tak jadi ni kak. Kita kena buat baru. Ni keras, sebab dia kurang telur."
But you know what, the cuppies turned out okay, sebab Abah ate a couple. He seemed to like it. Alhamdullilah.
Cik Samah, my uncle gave me a word of encouragement in facebook when he saw the picture of my cuppies. He wrote "bagus.. banyakkan amali utk buat kueh ni, nanti boleh jadi tauke cup cakes"
To be honest, I was quite happy with my product.
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My cuppies yang tak berapa jadi. |
The next night, we all went out to dinner, in Sami's Kitchen. It was a last minute plan, but was worth it. The food was awesomely delicious. We had Tom Yam campur (was spicy but delicious), some sort of udang with minced chicken (I didn't eat it, as I'm highly allergic to prawns and shrimps), kangkung goreng belacan (again I didn't eat it, because it had shrimp paste), chicken patties (this was superb) and steamed fish (it was spicy and sedap gila). We had rice to accompany the dishes.
It was actually quite alot. But we managed to finished all the dishes, sebab mak made us finish it all. That is why we all big big one.
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Chicken patties |
Us Nasir clan, love nothing but eating. We went for desert. We had gelato. It was awesomely delicious.I had green tea gelato, with green sour apple and whip cream for topping. It costed me 65 Baht, which is roughly RM 6.50. Considered cheap. And delicious.
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My green tea gelato |
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Girls posing for the camera. |
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This is how we eat our gelato. |
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You want some? |
On my final day here in Songklah, my siblings, and Alfred (kawan adik) went to Khao Tang Kuan. It was just across the street from our house.This place is basically a historical Buddhist temple located on top of a hill. Entrance is 30 Bhat (RM 3). To get to the top, one must ride an old fashion elevator. It's a bit scary. But it's worth it.
Once you get to the top, you can view the whole of songkhla. And the view from the top is serene. It so breath taking seeing the view from the top of the hill.
The place basically is both a temple, and a historical place. Every corner you go, you'll find a buddah. At the center of the venue, you'll see a statue of a black monk sitting and facing the sea. And sometimes you'll find a group of people praying. It's a quite a beautiful sight to see.
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The Thai Flag |
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Wishing bells...I think |
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The statue of the monk that's facing the sea. |
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Budhah. |
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Stairwell to the bottom of the hill. |
There were stairs there that lead us on the bottom. Beware it gets slippery during wet season, so wear the correct shoes.
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Does this not remind you Melaka? Beautiful isn't it? |
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Elephant in a wired container. This was found infront of the temple. I guess it was for well wishers. |
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This bell is also for well wishers. |
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Two dragons to guard the stairs. The dragons somehow remind me of Bali. |
I guess my point of this post is that, I actually had a wonderful holiday.Even though I tak dapat pergi mana mana, but I truly enjoyed this time off.
For once my mind was off work, and was off KL. I didn't think of anything. I just sat and enjoyed my time with my family.
God is great. If you're patient, and keep praying to Him sincerely, he will answer your prayers. For awhile I prayed to God, asking Him, to have let me have a peaceful holiday with my parents. He granted my prayers. But, before granting my prayers, He tested me and my patience. Without realising I was being tested by the Almighty, I went through dramas at home, and at work, I finished all my work that was piled up for me. I replaced my friends for work, I managed my boss's kindergarten, and went through a whole lot of other stuff without whining. And Alhamdullilah, I got what I wanted. I'm grateful, and blessed to have such a wonderful parents and family.
This holiday has really taught me the true meaning of Family and Love. And it has taught me to cherish their love and time, before they are taken away. Thank you Allah, for granting me a holiday that I truly enjoyed, and loved.
And I'll just end this post with a quote by DYAM Tunku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail :
""Time and Love is the Greatest thing in Life. We have No idea of what's going to happen in life and we never realise what we got until its gone. The Rules are very simple. Live Positively, Loved your Loved Ones. Remind Your self how lucky you are and count your Blessings. Remind Your Loved Ones how much You Love Them. Atleast when our time is up. We don't go with Regret. We Go with saying Alhamdullillah We Lived, and We Loved. Learn from Yesterday. Live for Today. Hope for Tomorrow."
Next weekend, I might balik Johor, to celebrate my cousin's anak (Rayyan) birthday, and her brother's reception. She texted me a few times to go back to Johor. I'm thinking of balik-ing Joho. No promises. If I do balik, than I'll have the chance to rekindled my relationship. Who knows.
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