Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Being Me

I'm uber excited that this sisters only conference is coming up. InsyaAllah, I will be attending it. I remember I went for the first time tahun lepas dengan my ex colleague. Itu pun curi curi masuk, my ex boss 'janji' nak bagi ticket free, tapi tak jadi, so she just snucked us in. This year I'm going to purchase my own tickets and go.
There's interesting speakers all lined up, one of which is Yusha Evans. I'm a huge fan of his lectures. He's a great speaker, MasyaAllah. I'm really looking forward to his talk on the event.

I'm super duper excited. I can't wait. I just have to wait for my gaji, and buy the early bird tickets. Kalo dulu, I get excited going to concerts and seeing celebrity. Now I get excited to going to talks that will upgrade my dean and my knowledge. Dah tua kot. And dah insaf lagi pun.


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