Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Selamatkan Cinta

A must watch video. Eye opening and it'll make you think twice for your love on this materialistic world. :;(

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

No child gets left behind

I recently joined a group of NGO in doing good deeds to the community. This NGO group have gotten together made a body to help the less fortunate children.

One of their objectives is to give the same quality of education to these children that other children have. They run their services on all over klang valley, most of it is in orphanages. 

One of these places is this:

This place is located near by my place. I can't believe it. I've been living in this area for 7 years, and yet had no clue, that this place existed. 
This place caters to children who are orphans, poor and their mothers are single. And they're all girls. There's about 23 of them, ages 3 to 12 years old.

Since I love children and I love teaching them, I have decided to extend my services to them. 

So the first night I went, was just all about getting to know each other. The volunteers that came, were all from the male gender, and yes I was the rose among the thorn. All together there were 5 volunteers including me. The guys all split up and tutored the older groups, whilst I was in charge to a group of excited preschool girls. 
The activity I prepared for them was playing playdough. Boy were they excited to see them play with them. It kept them occupied for 2 and a half hours. 
I was so happy on the first day, being with them, that I made a commitment to come every Friday night. 

The second time I came, I was so happy to see a large group of female gender volunteers turning up. I was relieved that I was not the rose among the thorn again. This time a bigger group of volunteers came, and also the founders of the NGOs came. 

Some of these face looks familiar and  I think I've seen them on T.V. 

We introduced ourselves and got to know each other. They were a friendly bunch, and was also serious on educating these children. They also informed us that giving love to these children is first priority, and as well as giving them a sense of belonging. And we must create a bond with the children before teaching them the real stuff. Which I totally agree. 

So now there's a new reason to look forward to on Fridays! ^^

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Dear you....

Dear blog,

Wow it's been what, 3 months since I made a post?

A side from being busy with work, I have been clueless to what I want to write. Tiap kali ada idea, my head goes blank.


A lot of things have happened in my life. Nak tulis, tapi don't know where to begin.

I shall take it oneday at a time.

Baby steps. Baby steps.


Monday, 8 July 2013

Life and Death

These lectures videos by Shiekh Yusha Evans are excellent, MashaAllah, and are a good reminder about the reality that each and every one of us will experience no matter what. He gives a really good explaination on what's to come when we leave the world. And it is actually a wake up for me. I love every second of this lecture.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Being Me

I'm uber excited that this sisters only conference is coming up. InsyaAllah, I will be attending it. I remember I went for the first time tahun lepas dengan my ex colleague. Itu pun curi curi masuk, my ex boss 'janji' nak bagi ticket free, tapi tak jadi, so she just snucked us in. This year I'm going to purchase my own tickets and go.
There's interesting speakers all lined up, one of which is Yusha Evans. I'm a huge fan of his lectures. He's a great speaker, MasyaAllah. I'm really looking forward to his talk on the event.

I'm super duper excited. I can't wait. I just have to wait for my gaji, and buy the early bird tickets. Kalo dulu, I get excited going to concerts and seeing celebrity. Now I get excited to going to talks that will upgrade my dean and my knowledge. Dah tua kot. And dah insaf lagi pun.

Monday, 22 April 2013


Last month, we took Amir to the zoo. He's been wanting to go to the zoo, for ages, so finally we decided to bring him there. 
Half of the zoo, was on renovation the day we decided to drop by for a visit. Which was a big disappointment, since the reptile was on closure, and Amir wanted to see the reptiles so badly. But what to do tak ada rezeki. And the other disappointment was we had to pay for the map of the zoo. As far as I know, the map used to be free. Guess they need the funds to the feed the animal. 
The conditions of the animals kat zoo tu, cuma Tuhan je tau.  I just can't believe that the zoo will be the future homes for 2 pandas. I do not know how the animals are going to survive. I just wish that the conditions of the existing animals were cared more before adding the panda in the zoo. 
Any ways here's a few picture of the zoo!
An elephant that tried to escape from its pen, because visitors were luring it with foods. 

Orang Utan

Simba and Nala.... :p

When I saw this tiger, this Kim Jong Kook immediately popped in my head.

For those of you not familiar with Running man, KJK is associated with  the tiger, because garang-ness. 

Children's World-Mini petting zoo

Another animal associated with Running Man member that came flashing in my head, the minute I saw it....

Lee Kwang Soo. Why? Because dia tinggi macam giraffe. Hehehe

A couple of  weeks ago, we went to a sungai, near my parents' future retirement home. Beautiful river, not crowded, best part was that it wasn't polluted. I didn't find any rubbish in the river. We spent a couple of hours soaking ourselves, and listening to the sound of the river. It was super relaxing. An activity on which I don't mind doing every week.

Sunday, 21 April 2013


Since, election is just around the corner, my mail box, has non stop been flooded dgn mail of the dominant party. I'm seriously getting sick and tired of it. It's seriously getting too much. I'm getting fed up, and I really can't wait for the elections to be over. Like seriously, 5th May, please come quickly.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

A walk down memory lane

Had a very unproductive week in Songhkhla. Bayangkanlah, dah stay almost seminggu kat sini, I've not even stepped out of the house. My muscles dah karat dah. Seminggu tak excercise, dan seminggu tak jaga makan. Hancurs sudah my diet. Ye la, routine during the week was wake up super early, eat breakfast, mengadap computer (tengok citer runningman) pastu tengok t.v lagi, and than back to the computer, and than have lunch, and than take a long afternoon nap, and bangun terus makan lagi, and continue to watch t.v and ngadap computer sampai lah dinner. And after dinner tido. Tu je la keje aku kat sini. Nak buat apa lagi. So I do not know how I'm going to survive next week. Confirm pancit after kerja. Huhu...My mum on the other hand has her own project (pls refer to my previous post).

Due to me being very the bored, I decided to go through some old pictures. I found quite a few interesting pics, and found a few pics of people yang sudah jadi arwah. I was quite sad, but I know they're in a better place. InsyaAllah.

So as I was flipping through the photos, I found these photos that caught my attention, and each photo tells a story. Just like the old saying, a picture tells a thousand words.

1. The picture below is just me as a toddler and mum, back in the days.
Me and Mak at the age of 2

2. Here is my birthday party cum slumber party. If I'm not mistaken it was my 13th birthday. Mum made a teddy bear cake and invited the embassy kids to come for a sleepover at our house. It was one of those memorable events that I would never forget.
Slumber party at me house during my 13th Birthday

3. Here is just me having a walk with Abah. I'm not sure how old I was then.
With Abah

4. Mak on her wedding day. If I'm not mistaken, Abah got his first posting call to Indonesia, so he asked Mak to marry him before leaving to Indonesia. And I heard, mak had a very short time to be prepared, and they made a super sweet and super simple wedding.
Mak on her very very simple wedding day.

5. In Malta. At the popeye town. I remember mak told us, that if we all ate our spinach at popeye's restaurant we would be strong like him. And have muscles like his. So we all ate it, thinking that we'd be strong like popeye.
Popeye village Malta

6. This is in Egypt or Tunis. I don't remember.
Check out the jumpsuit. Us in Egypt.

7. Me lovely grandmother. Abah's mum.
Atuk ona...Abah's mum

8. Abah and Atuk in Makkah during the early 90's. Atuk went to Makkah from Johor, and Abah came from Libya. Abah told us an amazing story on how he met my grandma kat Makkah. Since both came from 2 different sides of the world, my dad wanted to meet Atuk really badly. So one day lepas melontar, Abah made a niat on wanting to meet Atuk. After making the niat, he turned around and saw her standing right infront of him, in the middle of a big crowd. Allah really helped him that day. He said it was an unforgivable reunion. Amazing huh?
Abah and Atuk in Makkah

9. Abah's childhood home.
Abah's childhood home.

10. Amir. My adik yang paling bongsu. Mak says out of all 5 of us, dia yang paling comel.

This girl (me cuzen) is getting hitched very soon. Arghh! Cannot believe it. 

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Patch Work Quilt (Pink Floral Quilt 2)

Pink Floral Quilt 2
Size : 80" x 82"
Price : RM 400 -RM 500
Material : 100% Cotton
Status : Available

All the fine details are 100% hand sewn.

If you're interested you can email me at

Patch Work Quilt (Pink Floral Quilt)

Pink Floral Quilt
Size : 70" x 80"
Price : RM350
Material : 100 Cotton
Status : Available

If you're interested you can email me at 

Patch Work Quilt (Green Quilt)

Green Quilt
Size : 58"x83"
Price: RM 300
Material : 100% Cotton
Status : Available

All the fine details are 100% hand sewn.

If you're interested you can email me at 

Patch Work Quilt (Mocha Quilt)

Mocha Quilt
Size : 80"x92"
Price : RM 350
Material : 100% Cotton
Status : Available

 If you're interested you can email me at


Salam and Hello ! :-)

Yes, I've kinda abandoned this blog. It has been a month since I've last wrote an entry. Alot of things have been going on. I've been busy with work and at home. My adik bongsu have moved in with me, to continue his schooling here in K.L. Reason is, my parents wants him to build a stronger foundation in his deen, so they've decided to put him in an Islamic International School. The school is really good, cuz he actually has to memorize hadiths, learn Islamic history, memorize certain surahs, and have his IGCSE. Macam aku la dulu time sekolah kat Manarat. So he's happy and my parents are happy.
Thus, I've became a 'mother' and his 'tutor' to him. I've to cook every day and night for him to refuel his body. I've also to make sure his homework and his studies are up to date. I've also to make sure that he has clean clothes to wear, and are ironed. Yelah, anak bongsu kan.So he's very the manja. Which sometimes is annoying, and which I cannot imagine him being kat sekolah asrama penuh. Which was the initial plan, to shove him in a boarding school. But we all know he's gonna cry at the first night and that he's going pick him up on the first night itself. So tak jadilah dia masuk asrama.

Oh ye, selain menjadi his tutor and his 'mother' I'm also his mangsa. Yes, he has created a habit, to make me scream, yell and shout, and will turn my mood upside everyday. He finds it really entertaining to see me annoyed.  It's worse, when I've come home from a bad day at work.

But all in all I'm learning. After all I have to do it oneday like it or not. Haha...

Oh one last thing, mummsy is doing a patch work quilting business. I'll be posting the details and pics soon. Watch out!

Sunday, 17 February 2013


I have finally, got my new MyKad, after almost a year. old one got nicked by some kid, at my KAAK practicum place. So I had to make a new one last year. And sometime, during the year, I lost my temporary IC and my receipt, and also, my old work place had long working hours, so I couldn't go and get.

Anywho's lepas kena marah and kena ugut oleh cik boss baru, I finally went during a day off. And me being me, have no patience for rude, lazy goverment officers. On the counter, it is stated that the staff are 'friendly', 'always smile', 'would answer any question without any hesitation' another word they were all 'professionals'.

This was all crap.

I got to the counter, and told the lady on duty, that I've lost my temporary ic,and she got pissed and said that I need to pay fine. When I asked how much, she ignored me. I asked her three time, she ignored all those 3 times. So much for 'would answer any question without any hesitation'.

So I had to wait for a few more minutes, before returning back to the counter, and this is when my temper really got up.
The lady told me I had to pay RM110.00 since apparently I've never paid a cent during my application for the new IC. I got really angry, and argued with her, and said that I've already made payment earlier,and they cannot expect me to make more payments, since mine was a robbery case. They got more pissed at me, and  said that they had no record of me making payment and no records of my police report. I wasn't happy. I didn't want to create anymore scene. So I went to the bank, to withdraw and I think God must have been on my side that day.

I went back, they lady quickly apologize  and said that I didn't have to pay anymore, since they've found my records in the computer.  Straight away I thank God for helping me straight away.

How time flies

Who could have known I would come across a picture of these three brothers in the newspaper. I remember these three coming in the school gate crying for mama for 3 hours everyday for 2 weeks. Yes they were mischievous cheeky little boys, but they were the ones that bought colour to the class.

Once they were comfortable in their new environment, their true colours came out. The one in the center, would always stick his head in the cubicle holes, when ever he sees someone unfamiliar.  The one the far left, were the victim of his brothers, they would always push him around. Kesian kadang kadang tengok, but it their of showing love, brotherly love kan. And the one on the right, was the abang of the clan. Everyday during home time, he was the one to pick his brother's things, and made sure nothing was left behind, he was also the one, to make sure that his brothers wore the correct shoes. It was cute to watch their love for each other.

I looked at the picture above, and MasyaAllah, they have grown up so much, they are now in 1st grade.  I really miss them. Time really flies fast.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Reunion Dinner

It's so nice, once in a while, everyone gathers together and have a catch up session. I love it, when these things happens, the feeling is oh so nice. 

My mum and her friends (from Bosnia) had this impromptu plan, to have dinner together, and it so happens a few other of her friends from Bosnia was also in town. So we all gathered (there were almost 20 of us) at a small kuay tiau restaurant and did nothing but laughed the whole night. And later on that night, we raya-ed at my dad's friend's house. Kebetulan, it was CNY eve, so it felt like, we were going for a family reunion dinner . Oh yeah, whilst we were there, we skyped with some friends that was still in Bosnia. It was a fun, short meet up with the ex-Bosnian. 

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Out of the mouth of babes

The other day, I while going to the morning market, I passed by an ex-student of mine. He was begging for a toy to his parents who refused to buy for him. So him being him, threw and tantrum, and said this to them that caught my attention.

Child : Nak mainan tu! Mama belikan la. (I want that toy! Mum buy for me please)

Mum ignores him. Child keeps begging, and dad finally voice out. 

Dad : Mana ada duit nak beli. (We don't have money).

Child: Papa kan ada banyak duit. Papa baru beli kereta BM. Mainan tu murah, kereta BM mahal. Please papa. (You have lots of money papa. You just bought BM. The toy is cheap, the BM is expensive).

Parents went speechless, and finally carries the child away from the market. 

Saturday, 2 February 2013


Allah (SWT) says "Take one step towards, I will take ten steps towards you. Walk towards me, I will run towards you" [Hadith Qudsi]

I just love this beautiful hadith, and thought I might share it.

Sunday, 6 January 2013


I'm on Instagram. My pics will be uploaded to instagram. Just seek for senseimunirah.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Durian Crepe

Finally after months of craving for this new food, and months of searching high and low, I have finally found it. 
I bought it at the morning market, whilst buying breaky. It was very the mahal, 5pieces for RM10. 
This is just a one hit wonder for me. Meaning that I'll just buy it once. Yes just once and never again. 
It didn't taste as good as everyone says. There wasn't as much durian fill as I expected it should be, as there was more whip cream than durian. 
Perhaps, learning to make my own, will be more satisfying.  Perhaps. 

See? How much cream  filling there is inside. 

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