As stated in my previous post, I've left my job. And as a result of my action, I got a terrible mail from an ex employer of mine. She demanded that I pay her 6 weeks in lieu of the 6 weeks notice that I failed to make, if not legal actions would take place. This was according to the Malaysian law la.
I got really upset at first. I researched, and researched, and asked my lawyer friends, and they said that this law apply to me, if I had a contract. Because the Malaysian law states that employees are "any person, irrespective of his occupation, who has entered into a contract of service with an employer under which such person's wages do not exceed RM1500 per month.". So obiviously I never did have any contract nor agreement (black and white) with her, so she can't do anything to me. Right?
So that felt a bit better. And thus, I went hunting for a new job. And it has been so long since, I hunted for one. I applied like crazy, and only managed to land a couple of interview, one was very nearby, and the other was practically the other side of KL.
The first, was I think clueless. She asked soalan yang merepek2 and I practically had to repeat myself twice. And plus she said she wasn't keen on taking Malays! Pfft! Racist! And oh, her offer was low, was like half of my current pay. *Sigh!*
And then, I went for another interview. Alhamdullilah, the interviewer was superb. And she was super duper friendly. Which I liked. The place was right behind my old work place. Last time I went was like 4 years ago. It definitely had brought memories back. I miss that place. I miss my ex boss. She was like the nicest lady ever. She was Thai, and she was a really good cook. I miss the kids there. *sigh*
Anyways, the place was a Good Shepard school. It's a missionary school. I don't mind. Half their students are Muslims, and they have agama class. Working hours are wonderful, pay is awesome, cuti is double awesome (so I can balik Kampung to Johor and Thai often, hehehe). Which I love. They seem promising. So hopefully they take me in.
Behind every cloud is a sun. I bersabar, and He showed me something better InsyaAllah.
Hopefully next year will be a good year. InsyaAllah.
The Plan
5 years ago
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