Alhamdullilah, it feels good to actually do it.
You see, if I can't go out to the actual field to help out my brothers and sisters there, I have to donate, and if I can't donate, I must at least not support the products that's giving the funds to the zionists. I read this somewhere. I can't recall where. So boycotting these products, is part of my fight against these monsters, and guess what, people around the world are boycotting their products regardless of their race and religion. They're actually going to places that provides products from Israel, and going on strike in the shops. I just wish us Malaysians are as brave as these souls there, to do what they do. Because if it happens here, I would've joined.
Like this video here:
Wouldn't it be cool if it were to happen here?
If we would've done this:

It would be wonderful if these things happened here in this land of truly asia.
It would only happen here, if
a. people were brave.
b. Like I said in my previous post, Islam should get united. Like the saying goes "United we fall, divided we stand". Please do not make dua to Allah so that he can fall. Like a certain political party made a solat hajat, so that the dominated political party here can 'jatuh'. Sad. They forgot that the majority of this dominated political party are muslims. The people that held the prayer are 'Islamic', they should know better than doing this sort of thing. *sigh!* *shakes head*
So dear brothers and sisters, lets boycott products that support the zionists, and lets not forget to make dua for the people in Gaza, Myanmar and for all our Muslim brothers and sisters that's suffering. Let's make dua to Allah, so that he'll protect the innocent souls from the monsters in this life. Amin.
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