Wednesday, 23 May 2012


Dear dreary world,
I'm leaving for australia. Not excited abt it at all. I'm going because orang dah bayar kan tambang, lodging, transport and even makan. Practically this whole trip is free.

I'll see you in a weeks time. InsyaAllah.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

"Jika gaji kita RM 5000 tetapi kita kerja kuat seperti gaji RM 20000, Allah SWT akan berikan beza RM 15000 itu samada dalam bentuk duit, anak soleh, hidup bahagia dan lain-lain.
Jika gaji kita RM 5000 tapi kita kerja malas macam gaji RM 2000, beza RM 3000 itu Allah akan tarik samada dalam bentuk kecurian, kesusahan, anak nakal dan seumpamanya." - Prof. Dr. Muhaya.

Sebab itulah semua mereka yang berjaya mempunyai tabiat "GIve more" kan.. Firman Allah SWT dalam Al-Quran pun ada mengatakan yang Allah sukakan umatnya bersungguh2 bila melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan yang baik. Wallahualam..

Sama2 kita berusaha dan berjaya dunia akhirat. Amin~ dipetik dari Prof Dr Muhaya

I've always wondered how my dad can afford to buy a lot of things, and lend people money and still be able to feed a family of seven.

My dad, never taught us to buy branded things. He always taught us to be humble and bleak. He says we have to belajar pandai pandai if we wanted to get the things we wanted.

I remember everytime we went to the shops, and wanted to get our stuff, he'd always says "tak boleh...abah punya duit tak cukup".

He's a government servant, and his job requires him to travel around the world. Every 4 years we move around. It sucks at times. As we have to pack, and make new friends. Sometimes I felt like a nomad.

Even though my dad always tells us, that we cannot afford this and that, no matter what, he has taught us that family comes first. Remember in Libya, he left us kids and mum who was in her pantang alone. He flew to Makkah. Reason is because he wanted to do Hajj, and he wanted to look his mother. On the last minute, my dad paid for my grandmother's Hajj.
He told us an amazing story, that lepas dia melontar, he made a niat to visit his mother, whom he's not seen yet since his touch down in Makkah. Allah being great and loving, he made his niat come true. Just as my dad turned around, my grandmother was there right behind him. And both mother and son, were reunited happily and was crying of joy.

He never fails to give his mother money every month. He even chipped in money to rennovate her house. He helps his family in every way he can.

He always reminds his children to never forget their roots. Every year during raya, he always reminds us to visit our relatives. We children try our best to make the visits, but time never permits us to do so.

Anyways, I don't want to write more, nanti kalau tertulis salah info, people will marah. Kalau ikutkan I want to write more, but I dare not. I'll just talk to Allah about how proud I am of him.

Back to the topic, my siblings and I always wonder, how my dad can get all the money, even though he says that his gaji is never enough to get things for us. I never believed him, until I saw his payslip a few years ago. The pay is not enough to feed a family of 7.

But how does he do it? Only God knows.

Hmm....a few days ago I came across this:

"Jika gaji kita RM 5000 tetapi kita kerja kuat seperti gaji RM 20000, Allah SWT akan berikan beza RM 15000 itu samada dalam bentuk duit, anak soleh, hidup bahagia dan lain-lain.
Jika gaji kita RM 5000 tapi kita kerja malas macam gaji RM 2000, beza RM 3000 itu Allah akan tarik samada dalam bentuk kecurian, kesusahan, anak nakal dan seumpamanya." -Prof. Dr. Muhaya

This is the answer to my wonders. If you work hard, Allah will give reward, and he will give you more than you actually earned. But if you don't work hard, yakni, not sincere in your work, than Allah will give you hardship. This is also note to self.

So dear all, do not make false assumptions. We struggled when we were growing up. My dad was the only bread winner in the family. Feeding a family of 7 aint an easy job. I remember at one point, mak made a small business, to help abah. She made custom made baju and sold roti bom to malaysian residence. But Alhamdullilah after many years of hard work, and many doas, lots of patience, Allah has given my family a lot of rezeki. He has successfully raised 5 kids to be successful in life, bukan aku nak berlagak, its the truth.

My Abang - he's considered a difficult child for my parents to raise,  he didn't complete his studies, was a bum for a few months, my dad almost gave up on him because he was so stubborn and still is, now is an executive in a top paintball shop in Asia.

Me - I struggled in school. I never did well in exams. Became a teacher in early childhood. Have been teaching for 7 years. I've been working in the same company for almost 5 years. Now in the process of opening up a taska. Alhamdullilah. I didn't have to keluarkan modal to open up this taska. My current boss paid for everything (buying the house, rennovating it, and EVERYTHING else). I'm going to be running a taska on my own. Nervous, but excited.

My sister - She paid for her own higher education fees. My didn't couldn't really pay for it. She studied economics, and now she's an executive manager in an islamic bank. And she's also running a small business, and it seems to be doing well.

My brother - He is still studying, and will be finishing off soon. InsyaAllah. He is what I call a lost musician. With no formal music classes, he taught himself to play the guitar and sing. And now, he is on his way to make his first gig. Hope it goes well for him.

The baby of the family - This little guy is a genius in the making. He is in form 2 now, and hope he will finish his school when Abah retires.

People assume that we do not know the meaning of struggling. Just because we merantau, does not mean we don't struggle. We have experienced of what most people that I know have experience. I would love to write more, but time does not permit, I shall do so next time.


This month is a month of vacation, for most of us in the family. A couple of weeks ago mak and her girlfriends went to Bangkok for the weekend, dan Abah came down to K.L for the weekend.

Abah came down to K.L sebab he is still in the mission to look for tanah. He wants to build his dream house. Time is running out for him, as he only has about 3 years left sebelum dia pencen. And he wants his dream house finish building just in time for his retirement. And Alhamdullilah, after months of searching high and low, around Malaya, he finally found the perfect land.

Where will his dream house be? That is be frank, I forgot where it is. Abah told me a few days ago.

So land problem is solved. Alhamdullilah.

Money problem? Nay. I decided to step in, and help my parents pay for the land. InsyaAllah....

Back to the topic, Mak was in Bangkok a couple of weeks ago and this weekend she is in  Koh Samui, with Abah. Abah is there for work purpose, Mak and Amir is there for vacation purspose. She is so happy to be there now, that she keeps calling me every 5 mins, just to tell me how beautiful and serene the place is. Especially the beach.

While she's enjoying white sandy beach and the sun in an island, I'll be enjoying a freezing cold dull weather in a few days time.

Yes, I'll be going to Sydney for a week. I'm going to visit my childhood place. Yeay! To be honest, I'm not ready. I've not packed up my bag yet. Mungkin tak ada mood kot, untuk gi holiday.

And my sister will be going to Bandung next month, to shop.

So basically, my family is  scattered everywhere this year. Hopefully, we get to be together and have a family vacation soon. Like we did a few years ago.

And soon, InsyaAllah, we will be welcoming a new member to the family.

Excited? Maybe.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Teacher's day 2012

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

I had something in my mind that I want to write, but I lost it. I came across an entry, that really bugged me. It actually spoilt my mood on writing.

Ya Allah, sabar je la.

If I do meet this writer, hope this writer can say  the things they wrote directly on my face. I want to hear it directly from their mouth. Berani buat berani tanggung la.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Selamat Hari Ibu

I'd like to wish all mothers out there happy mothers day. I don't really like to celebrate mothers day, because to me, mothers' day should be celebrated every day.
Recently I read, that some ulama have stated that mothers day are haram.
Why? Because it was originally celebrated by the christians.
But personally, celebrating mother's day, all depends on the niat. If the reason of celebrating mother's day is because we want to show our love and appreciation to our mothers than is okay.
I believe that we all should spoil our mothers, and make her feel special every day, and not once a year. Our mothers should feel appreciated everyday.
Besides without our mothers we would not be where we are today.
So here's a thank you note to my mum.
Thank you for giving birth to me.
Thank you for shaping me, to who I am today.
Thank you for lending me your shoulder and ears when I needed it.
Thank you for giving me the fuel to energize my body.
Thank you for giving me advises just to keep my feet on the ground.
Thank you for nursing me when I'm sick.
Thank you for sacrificing everything you have just for the sake of keeping me alive.

I want to thank Allah for blessing me with a wonderful woman whom I call my mother. For this I dedicate these songs to you. Mak you are my number one for me, thank you for being my mother.       

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Abusive lady

The lady in this video is a devil in disguise. Even animals know how to care for their babies. I hope she and the camera woman gets the same balasan or worse by Allah kat kiamat nanti.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Berry Hitamku

Somebody gave this to me for free. Alhamdullilah, my first ever free gift.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


I wrote an entry about the album Zikir Terapi Diri quite a while ago, right after I bought. I fell in love with, and decided to share through this blog.
And I never ever dreamt that the producer/singer of this album would read it. I opened up my tweet petang tadi, and he tweeted about my blog. He also mentioned it in facebook. I was so terharu, and couldn't believe my eyes. He actually read and liked my blog entry. Alhamdullilah.
I never dreamt that this day would come, I never dreamt that people read my blog.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Down Under

Exactly 3 more weeks till I fly downunder. Guess what? I'm not really looking forward to it. From my past experience, the last trip down under wasn't all great. I hope they don't push me too as they did  the last time. 3 more weeks....
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