I recently have done a little rehabitilation for my soul. You see I'm not a perfect Muslim. People assume I'm religious because I cover my maine, but I'm not.
At times I feel like a munafik, I act as if I know things, but I don't.
So recently, Allah gave me a hidayah to go and clean my filthy soul.
I've went through the net and read a few articles on soul cleansing, and read the meaning of each doas thats recited during the prayers. I read a few times.
After reading the articles and the meanings, I finally understood the importance of prayers. I've focused hundred times better during prayers, keeping the meaning inside my head. I've valued my prayers better.
And what's more I'm also reading the translation of the quran as I go reading the holy book daily.
Alhamdullilah I've come to appreciate more as I know the meaning of the doas the and the surah's in the quran. I don't do things blindly anymore.
I remind myself I'm being watched closely by God on every movement I make. I also remind myself that sleep is death's twin and thus I've to make sure that I've completed my five daily prayers before I shut my eyes to sleep. I tell myself that I may not wake up tomorrow and that I'm lucky if l'm alive.
After each daily prayers I ask Him to grant my a life partner who's deen are better than mine, and who can help me stay in a path that leads to heaven. And he must not smoke. That's important.
I hope He grants me my wish.
The Plan
5 years ago
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