I told myself that I would not fall for any mamat yang jambu. I tell myself and my friends I like men yang berkulit sawo matang. Hahaha....
That all pretty much changed when I saw this mamat acting kat dalam sebuah drama korea. First I was like arghh...si jambu ni mesti patah orangnye. But then I kept watching the drama, I began to go gaga over him. I didn't know who this mamat was, so I decided to do a little research on him.
Sape nama dia?
Lee Min Ho (click on the link to find more about him).
This guy dulu act kat dalam Boys over flower. He played Gu Jun Pyo. Hahaha...
Anywho's....I find this guy super panas, and chechy...I'm so gonna get myself killed...for writing this sort of thing. Hahaha...
He's very the jambu...tapi I don't care. I've fallen head over heels on him.
Lee Min Ho Saranghae!

I didn't watch Boys over flower, sebab I thought it was just a bunch of sotong fighting over a girl. And it was not worth watching it. But than a few days ago I started watching Personal Preference, and this guy was in it. I fell in love with this drama. This was a romantic/comedy drama. I was basically addicted to this drama. I watched all 16 episodes within 3 days. Yes it sounds sad...me sitting infront of the PC for 3 days straight watching Personal Preference. And yes people, I've got no life. And no, I'm not proud of it.
But on the side note, the man in this drama, is not sotong, nor is he patah, he's just jambu. I'm not really a fan of jambu men. I don't know why. But you know what God is great, he knows what's best for us. I trust his judgement and I trust his instinct. I pray that I don't get a jambu to keep for life.

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