A few days ago, my uncle and his family came to town. He brought along my grandparents. It was a short stay. But Alhamdullilah, I got to see them, and lepaskan my rindu. And Alhamdullilah, both Tok Besar and Tok Amil are sihat.
We had a 3 hour catch up session, and since it's the month of Ramadhan, one of the holiest month in the Islamic calender, I have avoided topics that could provoke gossips. And yes, we managed to avoid gossiping, and I was not asked the question "Kau bila lagi kakak?". Hahahaha, it was a relief. I was actually ready to answer them when they ask the killer question to me.
You know what my answer would be if I was asked that question that day:
"Hmmm...still looking for someone that can be my imam." That's it. Plain simple. Someone that can be my imam, and that can bring me closer to Allah. Someone that wants me because of Allah, and nothing else. That's all.
Anyways, amidst of all the happiness and mini reunion, someone else that I miss dearly wasn't there. Tok Ona. My grandma from dad's side. I miss her. I know she's not well, even though they said that she's healthy. I don't buy it.
Time does not permit me to go and visit her. Well at least not now. Even though I can't visit her, I pray to Allah to protect her and keep her safe. I pray to Him, to give her good health and strength.
InsyaAllah, after raya, if time permits, I'll go down south to visit my beloved grandma. This year, I'll be spending my raya in Thailand. Again.
Since Abah has to office sit the consulate, he can't go back for raya. So sedih.
It's going to be a very small celebration for us. But it's okay, at least I get to spend raya with my family. InsyaAllah.