Tuesday, 31 July 2012

It has almost been a year since I've last seen my grandparents and relatives in Johor. I miss them dearly, and if my work life is not as hectic I would've visit them as often as I'd love to. 

A few days ago, my uncle and his family came to town. He brought along my grandparents. It was a short stay. But Alhamdullilah, I got to see them, and lepaskan my rindu. And Alhamdullilah, both Tok Besar and Tok Amil are sihat. 

We had a 3 hour catch up session, and since it's the month of Ramadhan, one of the holiest month in the Islamic calender, I have avoided topics that could provoke gossips. And yes, we managed to avoid gossiping, and I was not asked the question "Kau bila lagi kakak?". Hahahaha, it was a relief. I was actually ready to answer them when they ask the killer question to me. 

You know what my answer would be if I was asked that question that day:

"Hmmm...still looking for someone that can be my imam." That's it. Plain simple. Someone that can be my imam, and that can bring me closer to Allah. Someone that wants me because of Allah, and nothing else. That's all. 

Anyways, amidst of all the happiness and mini reunion, someone else that I miss dearly wasn't there. Tok Ona. My grandma from dad's side. I miss her. I know she's not well, even though they said that she's healthy. I don't buy it. 

Time does not permit me to go and visit her. Well at least not now. Even though I can't visit her, I pray to Allah to protect her and keep her safe. I pray to Him, to give her good health and strength. 

InsyaAllah, after raya, if time permits, I'll go down south to visit my beloved grandma. This year, I'll be spending my raya in Thailand. Again. 

Since Abah has to office sit the consulate, he can't go back for raya. So sedih. 

It's going to be a very small celebration for us. But it's okay, at least I get to spend raya with my family. InsyaAllah. 

Monday, 16 July 2012

Being Me

Second seminar I attended was "Being Me" under Mercy. Just like the first one, this was only for Muslimahs. This actually was unplanned thing. I saw it on the net, tapi tak ambil pot at first. And than as time goes by, my heart wanted to go, but there were few halangans like duit, and transport. The place was far from home. And plus my school had an event that day. So I couldn't go.

And as the time came nearer, I heard the place was a full house, that there was no more tickets left, only premium tickets. I was disapointed, tapi niat to go was still there. And at the same time, my boss bought 2 extra tickets for her friends. Again I was disappointed sebab tak boleh pergi.

A few days later I got a memo from my boss stating that whoever wants to go, just tell her she can give free ticket. Alhamdullilah. I was happy. I quickly informed her. Right after my event I went with a colleague, upon arrival we bumped into Sharifah Sofia (who btw has started wearing the hijab, MasyaAllah), and my boss forgot our tickets.

I was disappointed again. Seeing my face, she quickly took her daughter's tag and her colleague punye tag and gave it to me and my colleague. And she told us to just masuk. So we did, and they didn't even check. Spent 10 hours at the seminar. And it was worth every hour spent.

The things I learnt was:

  1.  don't be too attach to the material world.
  2. what is the first and last thing that comes to mind when you sleep? (a thought to ponder)
  3. what that the first thing that comes to mind? (a thought to ponder?)
  4. always remember the quran is the manual to life.
  5. don't waste food. you'll be questioned.  Did you know, K.L wastes 900 tone of food everyday. 
  6. Help the poor, if you don't, you'll be questioned.
The speakers were from all over the world. There was also muslimah rewards. One reward that touched my heart was a reward to novelist. She's blind but has written many novels. 

From the first time in a long time, I actually felt secure and safe. And I was actually happy, maybe because I was surrounded by only Muslims that was friendly.

Mission for this year during ramadan is to do a lot of charity work. InsyaAllah.

Jazakallah Khair.

A Moment To Remember

A couple of ago, I went to my first ever islamic seminar. The best part was it an all girls seminars. Yes, it was just for Muslimahs only. I was excited. What was more exciting, was that the speakers were Oki Setiana Dewi and Wardina Safiyyah.

The seminar was all about their turning point of life to being a Muslimah. It was an inspirational talk. I mean just like me, Wardina was pretty rebellious towards her family and Islam. But she said the joy that you feel in life only happens for a few minutes or hours it does not last for eternity. So she decided to tobat and turned to Allah. She went back learned back the basics of Islam.

OSD on the other hand, decided to be a wonderful Muslimah because of her mum. Her mum had a rare disease, and was uncurable, and she didn't have money to hospitalised her mum, so she decided to leave the life of her mum to Allah, and made a promise to Him, that if her mum gets better she will keep the hijab on her head. MasyaAllah, Him being the greatest cured her mum, and she kept her promise.

Their stories were inspirational, but sayang the penganjur had to cut their stories short. I was a bit disappointed. But all in all, I learnt from these two inspirational speakers that:
  1. Choose your role model wisely.
  2. Make the quran your bestfriend :- I'm trying to make it my bestfriend. I'm trying to read the quran daily, and understand each verse that I read. 
  3. To be a good Muslimah : one must be knowledgeable, attend Usrah group (I'm trying to find one for myself) and attend seminars.
Well that's just about it. It was a short but a memorable seminar. And I am trying my best to change and be a better Muslimah. InsyaAllah.

Jazakallah Khair

Hasbi Rabbi - Akhil Hayy

I love this dzikir. It makes me tenang. I actually have this as my alarm clock, but I have the version from Hafiz Hamidun, of his zikir terapi diri album. Great album, MashaAllah. It's so calming, and soothing to wake from a soothing zikir.

Ramadan Song with Zaky (Nasheed)

Such a cute song, reccomended for everyone of all ages. I taught my students this song, and they just love it.

Monday, 9 July 2012

I've not blogged in ages. I've been running around like a headless chicken. I've been busy with work and attending Islamic seminars and conferences.

Just to let you know, I'm renewing my faith and strenghthening my Iman. Alhamdullilah, after my faith renewal I've become a more positive person. I'm trying to read the quran daily and studying it at the same time.

For now, I'm going to not blog til I'm ready to write again.  InsyaAllah.

Jazakallah khair.
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