Monday, 30 April 2012

My music playlist

Songs I'm currently listening to:
 1. Baek Ji Young :- After a long time (Roof top Prince OST)
Good korean Drama watch.

2. Taeyon :- Missing you like crazy (The King 2 hearts Ost)

Another good drama to watch.

3. Park Yoochun aka Micky Yoochun :-Drunk Confession

The singer is the prince from "Rooftop Prince".

4. Matt Pond PA:- Specks

The vow is a must watch movie. I fell in love with Tatum Channing after watching this movie.

5. Nirwana Band :- Sudah Cukup Suda

No, I've not gone Malay jiwang. This is the soundtrack for me and my friends. For some reason, the radiostation that we listen to always put this song on whenever we are in the car. So, hence we decided to make this song our soundtrack.

Bersih3.0 or Bersh**

Okay first of all I'd like to thank the person in charge that created the penghimpunan on Saturday recently. Thank you for making Malaysia the laughing stock of the world.
To be very honest I don't understand the objective and aim of bersih.
Malaysia is supposedly the most peaceful and harmonious country in the world. Why ruin the peace and harmony by creating such havoc?
What was the whole point of protesting?
You want fair elections?
Guess what? There's no such thing as fair and clean election. Politicians around the globe play dirty games and they do anything to get their 'rakyats'' vote.
You want humanity to have freedom, i.e sex parties, open gay marriages and other stuff that westerners do?
Well guess what? Malaysia is an Islamic Majority country. We are not them. Us Muslims are put in this world for a reason. We have the Quran as our manual. Follow it wisely. We have the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) as our role model, follow his teaching wisely. We solats and other obligatories, do them wisely.
My fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, don't chase the things in this dunia, try to focus on what's ahead, i.e. the hereafter.
I don't understand what more Malaysians want. We have everything here. Us Rakyat kena bersyukur, because our country is at peace. At least for now. Why break this peace of this beautiful country?

What happened on Saturday, is not only embarrassing, but is shameful. The protest went overboard. Damaging of  police cars and death of a police man. That is bad. That is worse than bad.  What's even sadder, is that they lead the blind into the Demo. Sad aint it?
Owh...and majority of the protesters were Malay!
My dear Malays y u no use ur brain before joining them? Why u must follow them? WHY??????!!!!!!!!

After looking at the protest, I put on my thinking cap, and thought, dang! Why didn't I register as a voter? Why?
I was an anti-government at one point, but now come to think about it, after all Malaysia has gone through, I think I've gone pro-government. If only our Prime Minister was like the Great Tun Mahatir, this country would be more awesome than it already is. No PM out there can ever replace Tun Mahatir.
Before I end my rants here is a tweet by the Tunku Mahkota of Johor, Tunku Ismail. Here is his opinion about the event that happened on Saturday. I couldn't agree more on his opinion.

He tweeted: 
"To My Fellow Johoreans. Please educate Your self regarding Your State History. There is No Point of You Shouting and Participating in a rally that creates an Embarrassment to the State of Johor and the Country of Malaysia. Do Not Waste your time fighting for Someone else's personal interest and Political mileage. What happened in KL is a mess. Its Our responsibility to make sure it doesn't happen in Johor. Its Unacceptable and Embarrassing. Malaysia is Harmony and we are not suffering from poverty. So don't rush jumping into conclusion and be used for other peoples self Interest. TMJ"

Have a nice day!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Khalifah Of Allah

Everyone is born to be a Khalifah. It is our duty to protect the world. Allah created everything in this world for humans to use wisely. Humans are makhluk paling istimewa. Our status is even higher than the angels. We never realise is. I myself didn't realise it until I attended a couple of workshop on Khalifah.

From now, I'm going to keep in mind that I'm special, and that I'm a Khalifah of Allah. And I'll try to change. InsyaAllah.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012


How do you look in the eyes of someone you love and care and tell them that what they're doing is wrong?

How do you look in the eyes of someone you love and care and tell them that the things they're doing could lead them to hell?

How do you look in the eyes of someone you love and care and tell them to turn back to the Al-Mighty and repent before it's too late?


So many times, I've tried to tell that person, to just stop what they're doing. Because what they're doing is wrong. I've tried to tell, but I failed.

That person (I'm not going to mention who) recently has gained my respect, but has lost it again due to what the person is doing.

I can't afford to keep quiet, because the more I keep quiet the more it burns inside me. And I'm afraid that if I keep burning inside, I'd explode. And when I explode, things that's not suppose to come out, will come out. Maklumlah, the syaitan comes and provokes when we're angry. So I try to avoid it.

I can't tell this thing to the lady that gave birth to me nor to the leader of the pack, because I don't want to make the situation worse.

I've made dua daily to the Al-Mighty, to soften this person's heart and have this person regain back their Iman. But if there's no changes, and this person keeps doing what this person's doing now, than I'll have no choice but to call the right authority.

I also pray that HE answers my prayers soon.


What does Abuden mean? I came across this video titled Abuden, and have no idea what the word means, but I can assure you the video is funny. I cracked up watching this.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Pasha Ungu
Lee Tae Sung
Don't both Mr Pasha Ungu and Mr Lee Tae Sung look alike?

Lailaha Illallah

This is the only zikir or song that can calm my super hyperactive 4 years old class. The zikir/song is performed nasyid singer Hafiz Hamidun from his album Zikir Terapi Diri.

I bought his album online a few months ago, and only a few weeks ago, I've introduced it to my students. Intially I put on this :

everyday for a couple of weeks during their 5 minutes resting time. But it wasn't effective they're were still hyper. So a week ago, I decided to put on La Illaha Illallah, and Alhamudillah, the minute I put on the zikir, they automatically calm down.
And what's more amazing, they love it after I put on the first time. They kept saying "teacher nak lagi".
So I had to put on the zikir on repeat mode for 15 minutes. And what amazes me the most, is that they already know the zikir, and they sing it along.

So, everytime they get hyped up, and I can't control them, I just have to put on "La Illaha Illallah" and they automatically calm down.

Sunday, 8 April 2012


It's my Ibunda's birthday today. She's half a century old. Yeay. Alhamdullilah, Allah has allowed my mum to live another year.
I do not want to be sappy, nor cheesy, I want to make this entry as cheerful as I can. I am going to dedicate this entry to the lady who has brought me to this world, fed me, raised me, shaped me, and made me to the person I am today.

I'm going to make this short and sweet:

Happy birthday Mak. Hoped you liked the surprise phone call I made this morning. I pray to the Almighty for you to be happy, panjang umur and murah rezeki.
Nothing in this world, can replace the things that you've done and sacrificed for me.
I've found this video by Maher Zain. I love this song, and am going to dedicate this song to My Mak.

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