Thursday, 23 February 2012

A couple of days ago, I found out that a girl close to me, whom I treat as a sister got herself a bun baking in her   oven. I was shocked. It's been baking in there for 12 weeks.

I was shocked to hear the news, I still am. I've got mix emotions running all over me.

Anger, shock and sad are what I'm feeling right now.

Anger, because the man yang tanam benih dia kat my friend does not want to take responsibility for the action that he's done. Arsehole. He's just a plane ass. If you I could, I would punch him and kick him in the balls.
I'm also angry because, my friend's imaan was suppose to be stronger than mine. She had better knowledge when it comes to the deen. She never missed her prayers, always puasa sunat, mengaji daily and loves listening to ceramah ceramah agama. She new all the stuff that were haram in Islam.
But after that stupid jantan, she changed. She went out all night, came back early in the morn, stole stuff and stole the stolen goods. Haih! Bertuah punya jantan, manipulated her and changed her. He is a devil in disguised.

I'm shocked because I never knew, that disebabkan seekor jantan dia boleh berubah macam gitu. The main reason why I don't date is because of this. Men can seduce women when they want it. I think it will take me a few weeks to get over the news.

I'm sad, because she has gone over the limits. She's changed into a whole different person. She wouldn't take anyone's advise, nor listen to me anymore. The friendship that has been builts over the years has crashed because of this incident.

I can't do anything more than just advise. I pray to the one above that she does throw nor try to kill the inconnent live that she's carrying in her. It's a big enough sin that she's commited a zina, and got her self pregnant, it would be a bigger sin if she tries to kill the soul yang tak berdosa. I hope society doesn't punish the unborn child, for the sin he did not commit. I hope society will just punish the man that the doesn't want to bertanggujawab.

I wish and I pray that she goes back to the right path. That's all I can do right now, is just pray to the Allah (S.W.T) to keep change her back and keep her from astray.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Viva Palestine

This super long weekend was such an eye opener for me. It's true, each day you learn something new. And Alhamdullilah, I learned something new about our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). I also learned the story behind the occupation in Palestine. I wanted to go to the Palestine movie festival, but it was fully booked. Boo! So I stayed at home, and watched documentaries on Palestine instead.

For years I never knew why the Israelians attacked and took over Palestine. I always thought that they wanted to take over Al-Aqsa Mosque so they can build their wailing wall on the mosques's spot. That's what I was told by my friends and teachers, and also some resources that I've read.

When I was growing up in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, I was told to never have Starbucks, KFC, McDonalds, coke, and all other American based products because these companies were run by Jews. That was it. It was not good enough reason for me. I obviously did not stop having them.

And as I grew older, I heard some of my cousins, wanted to go to Palestine, to be a human shield. Again, I didn't understand why, they wanted to risk their lives, and be a shield in the middle east.

In General, I never understood why there was and still is violence between the two countries, and between two religions, and why we have to boycott certain products from certain countries. These were all answered when someone gave me this video to watch (This video is not for the weak hearted):

This documentary is worth watching it. I watched it from beginning to end. I had mixed emotions whilst watching this video. And it definitely makes me want to go there, and take all the children out, and bring them to a safer place. At the end of the day, children are the victims here. I wish I have the power and strength to go and protect their innocent lives. And if I was given the chance to be human shield I would do it.

After watching this video, I feel blessed to live in a country, where it is not under occupation (even though politics are terrible here). I am blessed to have all the basic needs and not have to worry about being attacked by an enemy. I am blessed and thankful for everything that Allah has given me. Alhamdullilah.

In conclusion, after watching this, I've come to conclude, that the Palestinians are in poverty, they earn less than $2 dollars a day, and that they are stateless and they don't have a home. I will pray to Allah(S.W.T) everyday, that the Palestinians will have their rights back, and that the Israelians will get what they deserve from Allah (S.W.T).

Salam Maulidur Rasul

In conjunction of Maulidur Rasul or Prophet Muhammad's (S.A.W.) birthday, lot of my Muslim friends and relatives posted Maulidur Rasul statuses on their FB page. One status update that caught my attention in particular was a video posted by a cousin of mine. It is about the death of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W. The words that was written in the video, was heart touching.

It brought tears to eyes. And it opened my heart to learn more about this great man, about Allah's (S.W.T)last prophet. So I did a lot of reading on the life of Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W). What touch my heart more was when Angel Izraeel took his soul away from his body, and he felt the pain. The pain was unbearable, words couldn't describe it, that very moment, he prayed that his ummah does not have to go through the same pain as he did at their death bed. Another thing that was heart touching was that, he did not want to leave the world, because he was worried about his ummah. He was worried that there'll be no one to guide and take care of his ummah. But Allah assured him that his ummah will be in good hands, and that Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) had to go and leave the world. Something inside me, woke up, after watching the video, and doing a lot of reading. The words that was inside the clip and the words that I've read kept running in my head. From that moment, I prayed to the Almighty, to keep me away from being astray, InsyaAllah, and to not have avenged nor hatred against my enemies. If Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)can forgive his enemies, why can't I? If the Almight can forgive his slaves why can't I? I've no right to hold my grudge against anyone nor do I have the rights to judge them. Allah (S.W.T) is the only ONE that can judge. So InsyaAllah, I'll try to be a better human .

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

In a couple of months time, I will be turning a year older. Alhamdullilah, I've stopped watching the tube, and reading useless gossips. 

I'm proud. I frankly don't care anymore, who does what, who's dating who and all that crap in the celebrity's world. And I've decided to cut off the television at home, simply because no one ever watches t.v at home. We're all so busy with our work. We get out early in the morn, and come home late at night. Basically my house isn't really a house, it's more of a hotel. The only full time tenant we have at home, is my cat. Ha!

Turning a year older, means that I'm going to get pressured to look for a life partner and settle my life with. Mum has already asked me, if I had anyone in mind. I tend to ignore her whenever she asks me that. She keeps telling me to start hunting for one, learn to get along with the opposite sex. Sometimes I feel she's going through peer pressure simply because all her friends have grand kids. 

Oh mother, the time for me to get hitched will come when the time comes. InsyaAllah. 

At the moment I do not believe in love before marriage. Another I don't believe in "bercouple-couple". If a guy wants me for real than he should the halal way. And vice versa. 

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