Friday, 30 September 2011

Kids say the darndest thing

I was drinking water and a child approach me said : "Teacher...perut teacher kembong la..."

Another child approaches the same child and said to her "Bukan la wak...teacher pregnant la...teacher ada baby dalam perut dia la. Ish! Tu pun tak tau".

Upon hearing their conversation, I stopped drinking, bend down looked at each child's eye smiled and said "You're both wrong. Teacher bukan pregnant. Perut teacher bukan kembong. Perut teacher buncit saja...hehehe" They both laughed and walked away.

Moral of this story is I really need to lose weight....hehehehe

Monday, 19 September 2011

I wish...

I wish I live in a world where people from the opposite sex, does not smoke, does not depend on women to do all the house work, does not depend on us women to pay the freaking bills, does not depend on women to be the dough maker and most importantly is not a bum!
Sorry just lepas-ing my geramness at a certain sect of the opposite sex.
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